Cresent Services
Professional Tech Services
Family Reunion

Family, what could be more important?

Soon it will be time to catch up on all the old news about your aunts and uncles
and nephews and cousins! Time to meet and greet family you've known all your
life and to welcome brand new ones. Whether five or one hundred and five, our
family is a place of refuge.  No matter what storms may swirl around us, it is
within our family that we can find love and a sense of normalcy.

What better time is there to interview your older relatives, to update your family
group sheets, to take photos to share and for posterity, to tell the family story and
to get everyone excited about and involved in preserving our family's history?

Planning has started so that we can provide you with as much advance information
as possible. Hopefully, this will allow you ample time to frame your plans and
organize your finances.

At the end of our last family reunion in July 2009, it was decided that the next
reunion would be held in Mesquite, TX. The exact dates are pending and will be
published when finalized.

We are looking forward to a wonderful and memorable family reunion in 2011.


We reach as high as the moon
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